
Friday, February 8, 2013

The soft ninja is thinking about it.

Sorry for the terrible cut up job. I used to have a nice scanner that I'd scan all my work on, but I haven't hooked it up since we moved. And without that scanner I'm really just taking photos with my phone. I suppose that is no excuse to not throw these things in Photoshop and clean them up a little. I doodled the kid on a used piece of paper and then the Soft Ninja on a new sheet. I attempted to redraw the kid, but he kept coming out "too cute" and I couldn't imagine SN even thinking about whatever it is he's thinking about. After 5 or 6 attempts the page was just too sloppy to put anything down. So I took the two pieces, hacked them up in Paint and slapped them together with some digital glue. Low rent.

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